{{'SYNOPSIS' | translate}}
Fourty years after the Belgian Congo’s independance, this film tells the story of a song and liberation.
This is the story of the road to independence as it was dreamt about and experienced by the Congolese, with their loathing of particularly odious colonial regime, and their visions of song-filled tomorrows.
And it’s the story of « Indépendance cha cha » an extraordinary political hit song by the mythical band African Jazz, that became in the ‘60s the anthem of every African independence movement.
- 2000
- 60'
- French
A film written and directed by Jean-François Bastin et Isabelle Christiaens Director of photography Vincent Fooij Sound Serge Schots Editing Anne Lombard Mixer Bertrand Leroy Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Luc Dardenne Co-production RTBF – Hugues Le Paige In collaboration with CANVAS Produit avec l’aide du Centre du Cinéma et de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons et de la Région Wallonne
{{'FICHE_TECHNIQUE' | translate}}
- › {{'ANNEE' | translate}} : 2000
- › {{'DUREE' | translate}} : 60'
- › {{'LANGUES' | translate}} : French
{{'TELECHARGER' | translate}}
A film written and directed by Jean-François Bastin et Isabelle Christiaens Director of photography Vincent Fooij Sound Serge Schots Editing Anne Lombard Mixer Bertrand Leroy Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Luc Dardenne Co-production RTBF – Hugues Le Paige In collaboration with CANVAS Produit avec l’aide du Centre du Cinéma et de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons et de la Région Wallonne