{{'SYNOPSIS' | translate}}
There is an art of dying, as there is an art of giving birth. At Topaz, an outpatient palliative care unit, Stéphane , Laura, and Anne are trying to live out the last days. This last journey, which we all will make one day, can become a work of art in the same way as a painting or a film. This is what Anne does, organizing her death as a gift to the people closest to her, joining theme together in a group she calls « the boat ». Together with the members of the boat she shares moments both good ans bad, throughout her illness, from beginning to end. This may sum up what the film has set out to propose in turn, a boat for its viewers.
- 2006
- 90'
- French
Filmer à tout prix - Interculturality Award
November 2006
Rome Film Festival
September 2007
Festival dei Popoli
November 2015
A film written and directed by Mary Jimenez Director of photography Jorge Léon Sound Gilles Laurent Editing Mary Jimenez Mixer Philippe Baudhuin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne Co-productions Centre Audiovisuel à Bruxelles (CBA) RTBF (Télévision Belge) With the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons et de la Région Wallonne And the support of the Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles et de la Loterie Nationale.
{{'FICHE_TECHNIQUE' | translate}}
- › {{'ANNEE' | translate}} : 2006
- › {{'DUREE' | translate}} : 90'
- › {{'LANGUES' | translate}} : French
{{'TELECHARGER' | translate}}
A film written and directed by Mary Jimenez Director of photography Jorge Léon Sound Gilles Laurent Editing Mary Jimenez Mixer Philippe Baudhuin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne Co-productions Centre Audiovisuel à Bruxelles (CBA) RTBF (Télévision Belge) With the help of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, des Télédistributeurs wallons et de la Région Wallonne And the support of the Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles et de la Loterie Nationale.