{{'SYNOPSIS' | translate}}
During his interminable rounds up hill and down dale, Jean-Luc delivers to his clients the bread he makes at night. The young baker, overwhelmed with work, has among his clients several unemployed people, who he takes time to listen to and advise. He looks for the right words to encourage the most resigned, and calm those who, at their wits’ end, use him to vent their anger. The film sometimes follows the efforts of the unemployed with the administration, sometimes their clash with the functionaries, who ask them to prove their family composition.
- 1999
- 62'
- French
A film written and directed by André Dartevelle Assistant director Marie-Hélène Rabier Director of photography Michel Techy and Michel Mernier Sound Michel Van Damme Editing Emmanuelle Dupuis Mixer Jacques Clisse Conformation Bruno Duvillier Music Dominique Martin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Luc Dardenne Co-productions RTBF Bruxelles– Télévision Belge Hugues Lepaige ARTE Belgique– Carine Bratzlavsky With the help of Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique et de la Région Wallonne
{{'FICHE_TECHNIQUE' | translate}}
- › {{'ANNEE' | translate}} : 1999
- › {{'DUREE' | translate}} : 62'
- › {{'LANGUES' | translate}} : French
{{'TELECHARGER' | translate}}
A film written and directed by André Dartevelle Assistant director Marie-Hélène Rabier Director of photography Michel Techy and Michel Mernier Sound Michel Van Damme Editing Emmanuelle Dupuis Mixer Jacques Clisse Conformation Bruno Duvillier Music Dominique Martin Production manager Véronique Marit A Production Dérives – Luc Dardenne Co-productions RTBF Bruxelles– Télévision Belge Hugues Lepaige ARTE Belgique– Carine Bratzlavsky With the help of Ministère de la Communauté française de Belgique et de la Région Wallonne