{{'SYNOPSIS' | translate}}
More than half of the people on our planet live on the margins of the Web, unrepresented and excluded, their lives invisible, their words unheard. At the most they count only as a statistic in a catastrophe. This unique film about landless peasants in northeast Brazil, looks into the lives of a handful of them as would a neighbour do. It listens to their jokes, their confessions, their anger, their complaints, and it joins in their games. More than that, it comes to love them. An unforgettable traveller’s tale, a thousand kilometres away from tourism.
- 2001
- 78'
- Portuguese
Aux écrans du réel - "Regards sur l'Amérique latine" Selection
A film written and directed by Jean-Pierre Duret and Andréa Santana Image and sound Jean-Pierre Duret Editing Monique Dartonne and Roman Dymny Mixer Francis Wargnier A Production Ex Nihilo – Patrick Solberman Dérives – Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne Co-productions Poly-Son RTBF (Télévision Belge)
{{'FICHE_TECHNIQUE' | translate}}
- › {{'ANNEE' | translate}} : 2001
- › {{'DUREE' | translate}} : 78'
- › {{'LANGUES' | translate}} : Portuguese
{{'TELECHARGER' | translate}}
A film written and directed by Jean-Pierre Duret and Andréa Santana Image and sound Jean-Pierre Duret Editing Monique Dartonne and Roman Dymny Mixer Francis Wargnier A Production Ex Nihilo – Patrick Solberman Dérives – Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne Co-productions Poly-Son RTBF (Télévision Belge)